Florence County Progress Membership

Now more than ever, it is critical that our local and regional private sector businesses act as key players in economic development.  We need the support of business leaders like you, to make sure Florence County continues to be an even stronger contender for new jobs and new investment.

The Progress membership consists of over 250 community leaders who take a personal interest in the economic development of Florence County.  By joining Progress, you will help us continue to promote, implement, and support activities designed to improve the economic development of Florence County and to maintain a quality climate for business and industry.  You will be an important part of the membership that provides the funding to support and assist Florence County Economic Development Partnership in carrying out their mission: to recruit new business and industry to the Florence area while at the same time help existing industry grow and expand.  

To view Membership Levels, click here.

Become a Member

To become a member of Florence County Progress, Inc., complete the membership pledge card below. Please make sure to indicate your preferred level of membership and indicate if you would like to be billed annually, semi-annually, or quarterly. Click the button below to pay online or use this link for a printable application and send with your mail in payment.

Membership Pledge Card